Cal Haeger Original Music

Original Music

This SoundCloud collection covers 4+ years of Cal’s songwriting process development. The instrumentation of most songs includes heavy use of a Roland V-Combo electric organ; which offers many different instrument patches (horns, drums, etc.) in addition to keyboard/synth/organ voices. The guitar work is mostly done on either a Mexican Fender Stratocaster, Epiphone Les Paul Model, and/or Yamaha Classical Electric Guitar(s).

All instruments are recorded through a Focusrite Scarlett Solo preamp into ProTools on Windows 10. This preamp is also used for Cal’s microphone for vocal work; in addition to online lessons.

The preamp described is not only affordable but Cal has used it for years without fail. Most ‘condenser’ microphones should offer sufficient sound quality for not only vocal lessons but also: upright or grand piano, acoustic and classical guitar. Any webcam that can produce 60fps at 1080p would be the final part of the setup. This, or something similar, is Cal’s main recommendation for getting the most out of online lessons as well as offering long term recording potential!